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Rebirthing Breathwork


Rebirthing Trauma Release Session | $100


Conscious Connected Breath Work Session with Michelle is done lying down,

fully clothed with guided circular breathing.

This profound work offers the opportunity to dissolve blocks, trauma, old patterns, addiction and more. Gentle in action, profound in experience.

* It is recommended you commit to 10 sessions in the very least. (If you decide to pay for all 10 sessions, I will give you a discount on the total.)

You likely take your breath for granted most of the time. Breathing is usually an involuntary process; while you can control it if you want to, we spend most of our time inhaling and exhaling

without really thinking about it.


But your breath controls the amount of oxygen in your body, which is an integral part of energy, movement and mental clarity. Your brain, organs and muscles rely on oxygen to function to their fullest — that is part of the mechanisms that cause you to breathe harder when you exercise, or yawn when you are tired.

The ancient arts of meditation and yoga utilize this relationship between your breath, your body and your mind by employing methods of controlled breathing in their practice. Many participants in these exercises report a sense of open-mindedness and rejuvenation following each session and as a long-term benefit.

Conscious-Connected Breathwork (aka Rebirthing Breathwork) is a circular breathing technique that allows you to relax completely and sink deeper into your body and consciousness.  

It allows you to be more aware of what’s underneath the surface and to then release any patterns that are limiting you from having what you truly want from your relationships and from life. Because Conscious-Connected Breathing bypasses your normal thought process and deals directly with the body and the

sub-conscious, you can quickly make changes that resonate on a deep level and that show up

in all aspects of your life:

–more ease and comfort in your body

–improved relationships with self, with family, with career, with a partner

–better health from the opening of the breath and from the integration of long-held, stuck energy patterns

–more creativity, spontaneity, and fun

a deep feeling of peace of mind and emotional well-being

Circular Breathing taps into your body’s innate ability to heal itself. The inhale brings in ‘prana’ or life energy, allowing you to integrate new ideas, greater creativity, and a new level of aliveness.

The exhale allows you to release any thoughts or patterns that are blocking your full potential.

Conscious Breathwork opens us up to levels of awareness that we aren’t always tuned into in our day-to-day lives. When we are able to ‘get out of our own way’ we can experience new levels of joy, freedom, and deep peace in present time. Breathwork can be challenging, but it’s deeply rewarding and a powerful accelerator in our personal growth process.

Expect true results, often rapidly, but always in a way that feels supportive and in integrity with your sense of who you are.

Conscious-Connected Breathwork heals on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

Conscious-Connected Breathwork (aka Rebirthing Breathwork) is a circular breathing technique that allows you to relax completely and sink deeper into your body and consciousness.  It allows you to be more aware of what’s underneath the surface and to then release any patterns that are limiting you from having what you truly want from your relationships and from life. Because Conscious-Connected Breathing bypasses your normal thought process and deals directly with the body and the sub-conscious, you can quickly make changes that resonate on a deep level and that show up in all aspects of your life:

Expect true results, often rapidly, but always in a way that feels supportive and in integrity with your sense of who you are.

Conscious-Connected Breathwork heals on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

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